Spill Kits & Absorbents Specialists
What We Offer: Hydrocarbon & Chemical Absorbents • Oil & Chemical Spill containment • Wheelie Bin Spill Kits • Portable carry bag Spill Kit • Bioremediation
How does OILVAC Work?
Ecotech Africa OILVAC absorbents make use of a matrix of capillaries that flow over the surface area of the hydrocarbon or chemical spill. The high surface tension within these capillaries enables the organic fibres within the product range to hold between 5 to 14 times its own weights in liquids. This gives it the ability to absorb spills which have occurred over vast areas on land and water. It will not leach or discharge absorbed pollutants, making it clean an easy to handle. The Ecotech Africa range’s high vapour suppression capacity reduces combustion vapours, eliminating the chance of explosion. The entire Ecotech AFrica product range is non-abrasive, non-toxic, non-leaching and non-carcinogenic. In its natural state is already biodegraded. It can also be used by anybody – it doesn’t require any protective clothing or specialised training technicians to handle and dispose of the product.